City council meeting, January 3: Zoning, Sustainability Coordinator, Walt Rave, Betty Barclay

The Takoma Park City Council, at its Tuesday evening, March 3, meeting, will take up several items that will interest many residents. Scheduled for 8 pm (approximately) are —

Two worksession (non-legislative) items will follow. Scheduled for 8:15 pm (approximately) is —

  • A Presentation on the Montgomery County Zoning Rewrite with Rollin Stanley, Montgomery County Planning Department’s Planning Director, and Pamela Dunn, the project manager. A significant recent change is the creation of new county Commercial Residential Zones (CRNs). See the agenda backgrounder at

Then, scheduled for 9:20 pm (approximately) is —

  • Discussion of Sustainability Coordinator Position. This position was recommended by the city’s Task Force on Environmental Action but has yet to be filled. The council will discuss whether the coordinator should be an in-house (rather than contract) position with management supervisory responsibilities within the city’s Public Works Department. Background information is posted at

As always, you can view the council meeting online at and on city cable TV. And as always, the council meeting will open with a public-comment period, at 7:30 pm.

Please do let me know if you will not be attending the meeting but have comments or concerns.

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